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I want to raise funds for people suffering from sickle cell disease!

Gesammelter Betrag

0 $
Ziel 650 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

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Nice to meet you! My name is Olumide Michael and I live in Ikare Akoko, Nigeria!

I'm trying to raise funds to buy medication to people affected by sickle cell disease in my community!

Many people suffering from this disease

Sickle cell disease (SCD) predominates in sub-Saharan Africa and Nigeria, and my community is not an exception.

It is a genetic disorder that affects hemoglobine. People with this disorder have atypical hemoglobin molecules which can distort red blood cells into a sickle shape. The ability to carry oxygen decreases and patients suffer from symptoms of anemia. Moreover, patients are prone to another many diseases.

People affected is not only suffering from the disease itself, but from discrimination by society.

Due to high poverty rate in this country, most parents find it difficult to afford medical treatment for their wards, some children fall sick and they're been covered and kept inside house without medication.

People can't afford treatment

Currently I'm studying at University.

I am volunteering to spread correct knowledge about this disease in an organization named "Ignite Africa Initiative". What we do is having walk awareness, free genotype test and free treatment.

I'm planning to give them all collected funds for our next program that will be held at my University and National Youth Service camp.

Many people from these communities have no way to afford the treatments. Some of them are my own friends.

Treatment needed

Treatment helps to reduce the prevalence of the disease in patients: supplements like amino acids, fish oil or omega 3 fatty acid.

Economic support is needed in order to get the medication, and as most of us are students we can't buy it by ourselves.

I would be really glad if you can support our initiative!

Details on needed funds

Every support will be necessary and appreciate, but to start I would like to raise $650 to purchase the treatment.


If I can collect enough funds, we will use them to purchase medication for our next event.

With this target I just will be able to help around 25 people, so it would be really nice if I can double the target in the future.

In case I can't collect funds, we will think about a different way. I want to do anything possible to improve the standards of living of the patients!

Hilf, indem Du teilst


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