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Investment on Coffee Shop called "Kopi Oe"

Cantidad recaudada

0 US$
Objetivo 2000 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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the flag image of country Timoti
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Hi everyone!

My name Timotius Arga Radiansa, and I am from Indonesia!

I'm raising funds to improve my Coffee Shop business!

Why a Coffee Shop business?

First of all, I love coffee since long ago. Because of my coffee love, I wanted to make other coffee lovers to enjoy my own recipes.

Second, coffee in Indonesia has a huge market nowadays. That is why a coffee shop business is the best prospect right now.

Also, I have experience as business consultant and as barista and I manage a digital agency on Instagram who engages between influencer & brands named "Good Hand Management". It's the right moment to do this, but I can't save enough money to make my dream come true.

My plan

The name of my Coffee Shop chain is already decided: "Kopi Oe".

My target is to open 10-20 outlets in a few years on several city in Indonesia. And some day make it also overseas.

I've already created a menu including my special coffee recipes. Coffee recipes : - Kopi Hitam (Black Coffee) - Kopi Susu (Coffee Latte) - Kopi Cokelat (Choco Coffee Latte) - Kopi Milo (Milo Coffee Latte) - Kopi Soya (Coffee Latte with Soy Milk).

Non-coffee recipes: - Matchalatte - Manggolatte - Chocolatte - Chocoberry - Taro With cold & hot serving.

I've saved $1,538 but it's not enough

The total amount I is too high. I would really appreciate any support, but I also offer investment benefits for those who want to become investors, with an fix rate interest of 20% per year, and a gradual return every month for 2 years.

I have been able to save around $1,500, but It's not enough to open the first shop, as I need to pay the rent, decoration, equipment, etc.

With $2,000 more I will be able to open a first shop. After that, my goal is to keep opening branches in other Indonesian cities!

Details on needed funds

I would really appreciate if I can raise $2,000 to make my dream come true!


If I achieve the target, I will start paying for the rent of the shop and the renovation.

During the first year, I will focus on this outlet and after two years I will start opening branches in other cities.

In case I can't collect enough funds, I will try to use my second business "Good Hand Management" to make more get brand exposure.

All of your help will be really meaningful to me! Thank you very much in advance!

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