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Free Yoga Class and Medical Support for Diabetic Children

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Target US$1.900

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Nice to meet you!

My name is Irshad Ali, and I'm from India!

I would like to raise some funds to be able to provide free Yoga lessons and medical support to diabetic children!

What I do

I am a yoga instructor and part time phlebotomist in a laboratory to collect blood sample.

I treat patients with lungs disorder, diabetes, joint pain, migraine, high blood pressure, and arthritis slip disc etc. with special yoga and acupressure therapy.

I use to work a lot with poor children living with diabetic type 1, and I would like to provide them free yoga and give financial support for their medicine and food.

I'm suffering diabetes too

I have diabetes too, and spared my income to help others.

I understand very well what is diabetes, its causes and complications. I work hard so I can support poor type 1 diabetic children. I have not received any funds from other person, society or businessman.

Diabetes is a very expensive disease.

Most of those children's parents can not afford to buy medicine.

Supporting 4 diabetic children

Currently, I have no proper space for children to be treated, so I treat them door to door.

I use a big part of my monthly income for the purpose of helping those children so it's difficult to save further.

At this time, I am supporting 4 diabetic kids, but I would really like to be able to support more.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $1,900 plus my savings to be able to purchase all the equipment I need: medicine, glucometers, strips ready for daily glucose level check ups.


If I can collect enough funds I will be able to support more diabetic children.

I will provide free medical checkups, medicine for glucometers and strips, and monthly financial support. I will deliver all material like insulin syringes, glucometers and its strips to the diabetic children's door to door and helps them by providing a free yoga class for controlling diabetes.

In case I can't collect funds, then I will start awareness program about what is diabetes, its complications, and how we can live with this disease, and keep helping children by giving them free yoga class and education about diabetes, as well as finding financial support. Free Health Check-up Camp is my dream. It is where I can run State Wise Diabetes Awareness Programme and gather diabetic children for free service.

I can arrange yoga instructor, diabetic educator, 1 doctors team for those children. And I will provide them medicine, arrange quarterly full body check-up like diabetic profile blood test, eye check-up, foot check-ups, etc. I wish to give them a good and healthy life. I'm going to keep pursuing this dream. God bless us.

Bantu dengan berbagi


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