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We want to raise funds for an animal shelter in Langkawi

Cantidad recaudada

754 US$
Objetivo 1000 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Gente que ha compartido 5


the flag image of country The Paw Fund

We are a group of young individuals from Program Kepimpinan Tun Razak who want to make a difference in the way animals are treated and their welfare in shelter homes.

We are collaborating with the Langkawi Animal Shelter and Sanctuary (LASSie) Foundation to raise funds in an effort to achieve two main objectives:

1. To improve the medication and healthcare available to the animals of LASSie.

2. To pay for the cost of transporting the shelter animals to their new homes (often overseas).

These are some pictures of the animals in desperate need, visit our links to learn more about their stories.

This is Scar, who got her name from the large scar on her back due to an incident where people poured scalding hot water on her.

This is Wawa who was abused and dumped on the roadside by her owners. If it weren’t for the kindness of the strangers passing by to bring her in to LASSie who knows what would have happened to her?

If you feel your heart going out to these animals, please contribute to our cause and visit our websites for more stories.

Here are some links to our pages you can visit to get a more in-depth idea of what we are doing. 

LASSie :

Instagram :

Facebook :

In short, all the animals in LASSie have suffered severe and debilitating abuse at the hands of our fellow humans. Sadly, these animals do not have voices of their own to speak out and ask for help when they are in pain. So it is our responsibility as caring members of society to do all we can to help these hapless animals. Please do donate, no amount is too small in giving our furry friends the future they deserve.

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¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Número de donaciones 16

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