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Help save Miky, a FIP Warrior

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه

‏٥٦ US$
الغاية ‏١٬٥٠٠ US$

الأيام المتبقية 0 أيام

لقد اكتمل هذا المشروع.

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

الأشخاص الذين قاموا بعمل مشاركة 1


the flag image of country Anca Damiean

Hi everyone,

Miky was diagnosed with FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) 2 weeks ago.

About Miky

I found Miky dumped like garbage at the dumpsters in town when he was as small as a mouse, only 1 year ago.

He wasn't even able to eat by himself. He had very low immunity, was full of worms, and developed micosis. It took months to put him on his feet, and I watched him grow into a big, beautiful, loving tomcat.

Miky need to be treated to save his life

This is what Miky's bloodwork looks like (notice all the red areas, which shows the abnormal levels):

Help me to save Miky from FIP death sentence

Not so long ago, FIP was a death sentence. Now, a treatment exists, but it's beyond expensive... Miky has to take very painful daily shots for 84 days so that he can live. The cost of the entire treatment is estimated at over $5000, which is an impossible amount for me without your help!

Looking back on how I found him, now I have to do everything possible to save him again.

But I cannot do it without your help! Please help my fur baby live! At only one year old, he deserves to have a full, happy life!

Thank you in advance to all those who read and use the [Help by sharing] button to show that they care about Miky staying alive!

Million thanks to those who donate!

Every little bit counts!

المساعدة عن طريق المشاركة


عدد المنشورات

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

عدد مرات الدعم 3

فقط مع الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك، يمكنك أن تبدأ بسهولة تمويل الجماعي فراغك الآن. هل ترغب في محاولة وصناديق جمع باستخدام Airfunding؟

  • منصة تمويل الجماعي فريدة من نوعها حيث يمكن جمع الأموال من المؤيدين من أكثر من 200 دولة
  • بدء المشاريع الخاصة بك مجانا
  • سيتم ترجمة المشروع الخاص بك تلقائيا للعالم أن يرى

يمكن العثور على تدفق من إنشاء المشروع حتى تلقي أموالك من هنا

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