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I need money to rent a place to live and register for school

Cantidad recaudada

0 US$
Objetivo 600 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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the flag image of country Mephyer
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Hello! My name is Benedicta and I am from Accra, Ghana. I am currently living with my parent and siblings, and I completed high school about 5 years ago.

I want to become an IT expert in Ghana

My dream is to become an IT expert in my country. With this project, I want to raise some funds that allow me pay the tuition fee of the school I want to join. I hope you can support me!

I can't make this dream come true on my own

Living with my parent and siblings in a small house is really difficult and my financial problems makes it hard for me to move to my own place.

I have worked a couple of times to raise money but as I'm taking care of myself and also supporting my siblings, its really hard to save any money.

It will really change my life

Renting a place will help me to put my life in order, put up a good plan for my life and move on. Also, joining the computer course will help me know and learn a lot about computers and how to work as an IT personnel, that is my dream.

If I achieve my target, it will let me get closer to my dream and also help other young ladies in my situation achieve their dreams and be successful in life.

Details on needed funds

If I get support, first i will use $300 to rent a place to live, $100 to buy stuffs for the room and use $200 to pay the registration fee of the computer school and start learning as soon as I can!

I'm thinking also on finding a part time job to earn some money to sustain myself whiles in school.

In the future, I will like to be a computer literate, work in the forex industry and also teach young ladies who are not able to afford to learn by their own.

This will be a way to empower women in my small world and help them achieve their dream also.

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¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

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