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Save Baby Jayve's Heart

Cantidad recaudada

53 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

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Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Gente que ha compartido 26


the flag image of country Francis Jayve

Hi! This is Thea Joyce Cacharro, a mother, I am doing this fund raising for hospitalization and other medical expenses in order to save my son's life

This is Baby Francis Jayve C. Pariña from Babatngon Leyte he was born on July 8 2019 weighing 2.4 kls. After giving birth of him, unexpected things happened, He was just 3 day old when he suffered difficulties in breathing.It was found out that baby jayve has Neonatal Sepsis;Downs Syndrome;Congenital Heart Disease,Atrioventicular Septal Defect; Patent Ductus Arteriosus..It is quite hard for us parents to see a little angel suffering of a heart problem at his very young age.Today Sept. 20 2019 he is 2 months & 1week, weighing of 3.1 kilos and this is his 4th times admitted in the hospital and he really needs to undergo Heart operation in Philippine Heart Center Manila. Through this, I am knocking to your generous hearts to help me in saving Baby Jayve's Life.

To those willing to help you can send donations directly at WesternUnion or Moneygram services

Thea Joyce Cacharro Address: Capitan Celio Street Brgy Dist.4 Babatngon Leyte, Philippines

thank you and Godbless

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¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Número de donaciones 5

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