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Support to blow the shofar for Thai people.

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0 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

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the flag image of country Wichit Srisarakham
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               Our mission is to teach people who believe in God to know about how to blow the shofar and the power of shofar sound. To warning the world about Jesus is coming our mission need support from people of God who understand about the important of blowing the shofar .

                It will bring the restoration for dry bone of people of God to rise up with the power of God that come

from blowing the shofar. Only few people know the secret

be hide shofar sound.We want to gathering 300 Gideon  army for Thailand to blow the shofar together and teach them about the basic of blowing the shofar.

               If you are the one who read this message and God touch in your heart to support us . Your donation will 

useful in the kingdom of God.

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