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Raising funds to improve our charity organization!

Gesammelter Betrag

100 $
Ziel 1.000 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

Dieses Projekt ist beendet.

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Personen, die geteilt haben 0

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Nice to meet you!

My name is Andi Muhammad and I live in Kota Bandung, Indonesia!

I'm running a charity organization named Rumah Udunan, and I would like to raise some funds that will help us to keep improving our activities!

Channeling between donors and beneficiaries

Rumah Udunan exists since 2018, founded by my brother.

With this community we're trying to provide support to people without resources and affected by natural disasters. We're trying to do our best with what we have, but an extra help would be truly appreciated.

That's why we're running this crowdfunding project. We hope for everyone's support!

A very affected area

We're working on an area that is frequently affected by floods. Also, there are many many poor families near here who can't even access health facilities.

"Rumah Udunan" means a place/community where people try to solve problems together. We're trying to improve our community with everyone's help and collaboration, providing disadvantaged people with what they need to survive, like medicines and food.

We're receiving donations from people around here: rice, gas stoves...

This is a humble area and most of the people living here can't afford economic donations. We think that crowdfunding would be our solution!

People working together

We're 10 people working together on improving our community. We use to share our activities in our social networks like Facebook and Instagram (so you can follow us!).

Currently, we're looking for some more volunteers because 10 people is not enough.

We want to increase our activities and we want to keep helping more people so we need all the possible help we could get!

Details on needed funds

We would like to raise $1,000 to purchase daily necessities and medicines. We would appreciate any little help!


If we success we will be able to do big things for people suffering in our community.

All the funds we will used to buy necessities that will be delivered. You will be able to follow our activities in our social networks!

We're not going to give up, even if we can't meet our target. We will keep doing our best to help our community!

Hilf, indem Du teilst


Anzahl an Beiträgen

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Betreute Zeiten 1

Mit nur Ihrem Smartphone, können Sie einfach Ihr kostenloses Crowdfunding jetzt beginnen. Sie wollen mehr versuchen und sammeln Gelder Airfunding verwenden?

  • Eine einzigartige Crowdfunding-Plattform, wo Sie Geld von Unterstützern aus mehr als 200 Ländern sammeln konnten
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  • Ihr Projekt wird automatisch für die Welt übersetzt werden, um zu sehen

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