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Waqf for building mosques, and an Al-Qur'an institution

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Meta US$ 1.500

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the flag image of country Andi Zulkifli
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Greetings! Nice to meet you, my name is Andi and I'm from Palopo, Indonesia.

I just work as an entrepreneur but I'm also very care on spreading the correct knowledge about Islam, especially in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the biggest muslim country in the world

As you know already, Indonesia is one of the biggest muslim country in the world. All around Indonesia, there are events being held, to discuss or learning about islam. We also know that muslim people doing their prayer every 5 times a day at the mosque.

As for myself, I often go to practice islamic activities such as reading Quran or do Dzikir with community in Jakarta every weekend.

I have realized that even though Indonesia is one of the biggest islamic country, there are still many people that are lacking of knowledge about it and many places that doesn’t have a proper praying space.

Planning to build some mosque and islamic boarding school

Since December 2018 until march 2019, my team and I began a journey to do survey about islamic knowledge around Indonesia, especially in Jabodetabek and Makasar.

We found that many people, also children, still lack about islamic knowledge. We found that there were many mosque imams who were not convinced or in the sense that they were still lacking experience. There are not so many mosques, and some children even quit school because of financial problem.

Because of all those reasons, we intend to build mosques, Islamic boarding schools and Qur'anic guidance institutions in the Greater Jakarta area and South Sulawesi. We want to start the first one in Depok.

Need some support to make this project achieve faster

During our survey, we found some potential location to build the islamic boarding school at Jabodetabek and Sulawesi. But the money is still on progress to be gathered, so my team and I would like to ask for help for some little boost to help to build islamic boarding school.

Details on needed funds

All of the collected amount will be use to support the amount of buy the land at Depok.

We will be really grateful for all of your support, that will be help many children here to learn the correct islam and have proper education!

May Allah bless you!

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