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I need to pay my school fees to be able to graduate!


目標 US$800

剩餘天數 0 天




已經分享的人 0




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Nice to meet you!

My name is Cynthia and I live in Abia, Nigeria!

I'm raising funds to be able to pay my University fees, so I can participate in my final exams! I hope I can receive some support here!

We hadn't enough savings

I'm studying Computer Science in the university.

My plan is to graduate next January. I've my final exams at the end of next month, but if I can't pay the school fees I won't be able to attend.

This problem could affect my own future, so that's why I'm trying to ask for some help here!

Looking for a bright future

I'm interested in computers since long ago. It was always my dream course to study.

In the future, I would like to work in something related to computers while I save some money and support my family.

In order to follow my plan and graduate in January, I need to attend those exams at the end of May.

If I can't graduate I won't find a good job soon and I will become a burden to my family.

I'm no time to do part-time job

I'm the old of 5 children.

My parents are working as traders but their monthly income is not enough to support so many children. All our relatives are friends are going through a lot of financial problems, so we're not able to ask them for help.

I use my whole time to study, so I don't have time to find a part-time job either.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $800 that will help me to pay my school fee and school dormitory until I graduate. I would really appreciate any little help you could bring to my project.


As I have to pay the school fee before the final exams, I would need to raise some funds as soon as possible.

If everything is okay and I manage to graduate on January, I will start searching for a good job. The dream I would like to fulfill someday is to open my own Internet cafe.

In case I can't collect enough funds I will try to sell some of my own things to be able to get some money. Thank you very much for reading my project!






受到資助的次數 0


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