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We need a packaging machine to improve our instant mussels business!


目標 US$950

剩餘天數 0 天




已經分享的人 0




the flag image of country Rangga Pramudya
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Nice to meet you!

My name is Rangga and I live in Wonosobo, Indonesia!

I'm raising funds to be able to buy a vacuum packaging machine that will help to improve my business of selling instant mussels. I hope I can receive some support here!

I could increase our sales

I started to sell mussel dishes last month, and I have no complaint so far, but the sales are getting lower.

I understand that this is because i just sell it in my city, and it's quite a small city. The athusiasm of the people to buy something is high when it's still trending, when the trends ends same happens to the sales.

In order to avoid that thing happens, I came up with idea to make my product into instant style to sell it outside my city too. As the seasoning is liquid, I would need to vacuum pack it, and that's why I need this machine.

Working with my wife

My wife is the one who is cooking the mussel dishes, while I'm delivering the food.

When she was a kid she used to eat this mussel dish. One day she tried to cook it by herself and it was delicious! That's how we started selling it.

Currently, we just can sell our product here, in our community.

If we get this machine we will be able to start preparing an instant version of the dish and sell it outside our area. The sales will increase for sure!

This business is the support of our family!

This business is what me and my wife do for a living. This is how we pay all our bills.

We have a child. She is still one year old and we need to take care of her. It's difficult to save money with our current low income.

We can't take a loan because our financial situation is not safe enough!

Details on needed funds

In order to buy the vacuum packaging machine we need, we would need $1,350. We've saved $400, so we would need to raise $950! We would really appreciate any little support!


If this project success, we will directly start the production, and make a website to sell the product. And the users who support me with more than 100$ will get my product for free shipped to their house.

In the future, if the sales are good, we will be able to maybe hire someone! In case I can't collect enough funds any amount of support I get I will still use it to buy other amenities for my product.

I would be eternally grateful if you can support my project! Thank you very much in advance!






受到資助的次數 0


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