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To save life-threatening 11-month baby, diagnosed with SMA

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US$ 35
Meta US$ 1.500

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The following is originally from the baby's parents:

We are Natalia and Roman Chepushtanov from Rubtsovsk, Russia. Our 11-months old son Matvei has been recently diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Type-1. He cannot hold his head on his own, sit, nor turn his body. Matvei is not developing physically like other kids of his age. In order to improve his condition, Russian doctors recommended Nusinersen marketed as Spinraza. Unfortunately, this treatment is not available in our country. . It is only used in the EU and the USA. Spinraza in the USA costs $125,000 per injection and costs $750,000 per year. Even if we sell all that we have, we can only afford a half of one injection. But we are trying to do our best to save our son’s life.


我们是来自俄罗斯阿尔泰边疆区Rubtsovsk的Natalia 和 Roman Chepushtanov , 我们11个月大的儿子Matvei :

最近被诊断为脊髓性肌萎缩症, 他不能抬头,坐立,侧身,转身, Matvei不能像他的同龄孩子一样健康成长,为了改善情况,医生推荐了Nusinersen疗法,市面上成为Spinraza. 很不幸的是,这项治疗目前在俄国还未实现,只能去往欧盟国家或美国才能得以治疗,而Spinraza在美国的治疗费用高达125000美金一次注射,每年需要花费750000美金,我们目前变卖所有资产也只能支付得起一半的治疗费用,但是我们会尽一切努力挽救我们的孩子, 如果您能尽一份绵薄之力,我们将万分感激。 我们的儿子Matvei迫切需要您的帮助,请联系我们

 Please contact us:

Natalia and Roman Chepushtanov

25 Grazhdansky Pereulok

Apt. 29

Rubtsovsk, Altai Krai, Russia  

Mobile: +7(905)984-1110



QIWI: +79059841110

WebMoney: R148035972605

YandexMoney: 410018960068507


Our Russian Website info:  - our web-site (in Russian) - video from news (Russian) - petition (Russian)  - сбор средств на лечение

Best regards,

Mobile: +7905-984-11-10 Roman 

Rubtsovsk, Altai krai.


Here are the documents from the hospital


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