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I want to improve infrastructure for our school

Cantidad recaudada

9 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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the flag image of country Andi Setiawan

Hello everyone

My name is Andi Setiawan

Me and my friends have a Nature School in Indonesia, namely the Alam Nusantara School located in Bekasi, West Jawa – Indonesia  for elementary school level.

This school has been running for 4 years, some of them have special needs children.

6 months ago we just moved to a new location, with new building, new facilities and new infrastructure.

the building is very simple, we call it a saung (gazebo) with a size of 10m x 15m and a teacher's room and library measuring 7m x 5m

       Pict 1 : Teaching & learning activities (open class)

                           Pict 2 : Playground

                      Pict 3 : Office and Library

                       Pict 4 : Library situation 

So much cost. Until now our teaching and learning activities have been going well.

Teacher salaries have been covered by tuition fees or teacher fees from students. And in our school there are also some students who can't afford it, so they don't pay tuition fees or teacher fees.

What we need now is for the cost of repairing the fence that has not been fully completed, adding school facilities, planting trees for greening and operational foundation for the next 6 months.

                       pict 5 : Broken fence

     Pict 6 : Unfinished fence (border with neighbors)

Please help us, so that we can run our school operations and our foundation for the next 6 months until we can accept new students and with the addition of students, this school operation can run well. 

The following details our funding needs:


Website :

FB          :   Sekolah Alam NusantaraBekasi    

IG          :   Sekolah Alam Nusantara

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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