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Target US$1.500

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the flag image of country Diana Duque
this is an icon showing user is verified Identitas Terverifikasi

Gender Studies in Latin America was born on 2008. This is a non-profit organization which is dedicated to the centralization of information on gender equity in Spanish-speaking countries.

Our goal is to facilitate access and constant updating of information, create support networks among people working for gender equity in different areas, facilitate the advancement of academic, artistic, cultural, political and social work; and strengthen the social movement around this field.

Our interest is to strengthen the work that people and organizations do to achieve gender equity in Latin America and the world. During the first years we had a very successful website, which had among other things: banks of documents to download, books, articles, social mobilization agenda, academic forums for advising researchers, recognition of leaders, calls, among others. But this page unfortunately stopped working, so we continue working on a Facebook fan page, where we are currently and where we have more than 830,000 followers from 45 countries.

Now, we want to fulfill a great dream: to create a web platform that provides better services, encourages collaborative work, generates support networks, and offers virtual courses and academic publications with access for all the people. We know that we can achieve it and go one step further in our ideal of being a tool that facilitates work and adds to the efforts that people and organizations make every day for a more diverse and inclusive Latin America. Join us with your contribution! Let's build gender equity together!

I would also really appreciate your collaboration by sharing this project and spreading our voice!

Bantu dengan berbagi


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Apa Airfunding?

Ini adalah sebuah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Siapapun dapat dengan mudah membuat sebuah proyek!

Jumlah dukungan 4

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