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Let's help this orphan kids with special needs!

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3 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

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the flag image of country Ram Sana

Hrudayalayam is the only organization for mentally retarded people that is working in rural and tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh India with their own funds without government funding.  It is the only institute for ‘intellectually challenged’ persons extending following services without age limitation for such people.

Hrudayalayam provide all basic rehabilitation services like early intervention, special education, boarding, lodging, medical aid and recreational facilities at free of cost to the MR children of different categories - orphans, semi orphans, HIV/AIDS affected children and multi disabled people etc. Their focus is to serve MR people hailing from families living in poverty.

After the initial diagnosis and analyzing the adoptive behavior of the child, the method of training is systematically planned and carried out on individual basis depending on the educational classification of the MR Child i.e. educable, trainable, and custodial.

Their goal is to make MR people live independently as much as possible at school, at home and in society. 

Hrudayalayam provide Special education with the support of psychological services; therapeutic services like physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy to overcome other disabilities; medical services to keep them healthy. Proper training and support to such children can make them adjust themselves to the demands at home, school and society.

Recurring Expenditure:

Yearly expenditure for cloths Rs 42,000

Yearly expenditure of a single child Rs 38,000

Monthly expenditure for Rice Rs 18,000

Monthly expenditure for Provisions Rs 17,000

Monthly salary of a Physiotherapist Rs 6,000

Monthly salary of a Special Educator (DMR) Rs 4,000

Day’s expenditure of the Home Rs 4,000

Monthly expenditure of a Child Rs 3,000

Monthly salary of Speech Therapist Rs 3,000

Monthly salary of an Aaya Rs 3,000

Monthly Expenditure to Medicines Rs 3,000 

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