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Please help my daughter undergo surgery

Gesammelter Betrag

18 $
Ziel 1.500 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

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We were informed that baby is confirmed to be leukemia on 19.10.2019 5pm by doctor. My daughter needs to undergo omaya shunt for hydrocephalus and chemotheraphy .

My daughter vomit again so done brain CT scan n found out that got blockage of cell(suspect cancer cell growth) in brain separate fluid into two part so need to do another operation to do another drain for fluids to come out.

Day 19 my daughter admitted in hospital and tomorrow is going to transfer to another hospital for consultation to find out the root cause of baby hydrocephalus and the causes of thickening of meningeal n cancer cell in brain csf fluid earlier.

Day 34 in hospital. We have used up RM135k+. Now doing 4th operation to put back EVD n do endoscope to link hydrocephalus of two compartment in brain n take biopsy to diagnosis whether is meningitis or cancer.

Currently my daughter needs to do 5th operation. My daughter's spirit remains strong. It was a unpleasant Christmas for our family. Our medical fund is running out. Please help my daughter to pass through this difficult stage. Much thanks to the kind-hearted donors. May god bless everyone of us.

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Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Betreute Zeiten 4

Vorgestellte Projekte in Malaysia

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