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Counting month to give birth but this killing me because

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12 $US
Objectif 900 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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the flag image of country Vercelley Vincent

Hi everyone .. thanks for reading . Honestly I feel so ashame using this as a platform to ask for charity. I feel like I'm is useless mother who can't give the best for my coming son.  My due date of birth is in this march 2020 . 

I only can prepare for the baby clothes from second hand stuff.  I buy from people who selling second hand baby things because I can't afford the new one.  I really worry about the HYGIENE . I mean about the things u get from people who I not even know how the health level .but I can't do anything because I have not enough money.  I wish I can buy something good for my baby . 

I'm not jobless .. I'm working full time . My husband also working . But our salary not enough because we only get little paid . No high study certificate to get paid more. Actually we not planning to have this baby.  I found out I was pregnant after 2 month of married . This shock me . I feel happy and scared at the same time.  Because we not financially stable.At the first .. I think to get abortion.  But because maybe this is " god blessing" me and my husband decide to keep it.  

We just renting house for now .small and old house .. the house condition is poor because we can't rent the good one. The house is totally un furniture. Most of the house stuff we buy secondhand or get from give away .

I feel bad sharing my life story.. because my parent also have no idea how my life going . They living far from me  . My husband is 4 years young than me . He is only 23years now.  He hardworking man and very nice .But still can't earn enough for the baby things because we struggling to pay the others expensive . Car ,house,my study loan. And I also giving money to my younger brother and sister . I have 7 sibling then I'm the first one . 

I working at the factory 8-16hour everyday even on my pregnancy . I also working by shift . Night shift 7pm-7pm . I doing overtime to earn more money. But still not enough for everything .After give birth ,I can't able to working for 2 month (compony rules)I more worried about this because I can't get any money . The compony pay my basic salary.  But I can't earn more money . Now I working hard also can't enough .hmmm ..Pls encourage me. 

People may think that I just selling my story for sympathy . But that is the real reality . Hopefully who read this story , can pray for me and my little family . I feel scared waiting for labour day . 

I give my thanks first for people who donor they money for Noah .Btw my son name is Noah Grayson .That will be blessing for him for every kind heart who care about him . 

Get this car seat from people who don't want to use it anymore. 

My wash room (rent house) already try to clean the floor but still look dirty because this very old house .Noah need baby Tub .

Modified light . The main lamp already broken . can't fix it.  This my side if my bedroom .

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