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Raising funds to give school supplies to children of the community!

Montant collecté

311 $US
Objectif 240 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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Hi everyone!

My name is Regina and I'm from Philippines!

I would like to help my brother to raise some funds that will allow him to get school supplies for the children of his community!

My brother is helping disadvantage people

My brother is a pastor of a church in Montalban Rizal since 13 years ago.

He is always trying to run different initiatives to help disadvantage children and elderly people of the community. They are around 50 children and 40 elderly.

This time, he would like to receive some help to buy school supplies for the children!

I try to collaborate as much as I can

Every Sunday I go to my brother's church and collaborate.

We try to ask for donations to the congretation but it's not a rich area, so we've collected about $60 so far.

And we would need $300 in order to get the school supplies we want to give to the children.

Besides the school supplies we would like to get new uniforms and shoes too. I would really like to contribute with money, but I don't have much savings.

I'm raising 3 children alone

I've 3 children and I'm raising them as a single mother.

I try to work as much as I can, but my monthly income is very low, so saving money is really difficult for me, as I have to pay the daily expenses of the whole family.

However, I try to help my brother as much as I can in a volunteer way.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $240 in order to complete the $300 we need to purchase school supplies for the children.


I will give to my brother everything I collect in this project.

He will be in charge of getting the school supplies for the children. I would like to raise enough funds by June! In case we can't collect enough funds we don't really have another plan.

I would be eternally grateful for any little help you could bring to these children! Thank you very much in advance!

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Qu'est-ce que Airfunding?

Ceci est une plate-forme de crowdfunding utilisé par près de 200 pays. Tout le monde peut facilement créer un projet!

Délai imparti 8

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