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一起當地球海洋守護者(Together as the Earth Guardian)

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Obiettivo 1.500 USD

Giorni rimasti 0 giorni

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Che cosa è Airfunding?

Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

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the flag image of country 海洋守護者
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我們來自於世界的角落熱愛海洋 但近幾年來垃圾氾濫 侵襲到海洋 海灘等等 我們很想為地球上任何一處海洋盡點心力「  關懷海洋環境、生態與文化」為宗旨,盼匯集愛好海洋民眾的心力,共同以穩定、溫暖、堅持的態度,傳達與實踐海洋保育理念,期待讓大家親近、認識而珍惜海洋 然而一個人的力氣有限,眾人齊力向前的槳才是「海洋」的最大力量,我們需要捐款財力支持,才能長期推動、執行倡議與推廣 我們希望能得到捐款 才能繼續辦更多活動 才能號召更多人來幫助海洋 請支持善心捐款  地球只有一個 請重視海洋環保 請不要製造垃圾


We are from the corner of the world, love the ocean, but in recent years, the garbage has invaded the ocean beach, etc. We want to do our best to care for the marine environment, ecology and culture for any ocean on the earth. With the heart, together with a stable, warm and persistent attitude, we will convey and practice the concept of marine conservation. We look forward to letting everyone get close, know and cherish the ocean. However, the strength of one person is limited, and the paddles of all people are the greatest strength of the "ocean". We need financial support to support and implement initiatives and promotion. We hope to get donations to continue to do more activities to call on more people to help the ocean. Please support good donations  There is only one earth. Please pay attention to marine environmental protection. Please do not make garbage.  This is our website :


Aiuta condividendo


N. di post

Che cosa è Airfunding?

Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

Numero di finanziamenti ricevuti 3

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