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I want help my dad to resume the treatment for his heart and kidney disease!

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0 US$
Objetivo 1178 US$

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I'm pleased to meet you! My name is Joko and I'm from Depok, Indonesia

I would like to ask for some support to help my dad to resume his treatment as he's suffering from heart and kidney disease!

My dad had a heart attack 2 months ago

2 months ago my dad suffered a heart attack and fell down.

He is 54 years old and he worked as a driver. Before the attack he used to feel tired very frequently. When this happened he had to be hospitalized and started to receive treatment but our savings were runned out.

However, I want to do my best to be able to pay the treatment for my dad!

I've already spent $1,900 on my dad's treatment

I'm working as an engineer.

In addition to the living expenses of my whole family, I need to pay my sister's school fee so it's really difficult to save money. I managed to save some but I had to use everything on the treatment of my dad.

Currently, due to the lack of money, my dad can just receive herbal medicine for his condition.

The problem is that he needs special medication for his heart and also dialysis. And not only that, he needs to change to a healthier lifestyle!

Ask for a loan is not a choice

I considered to ask help to some relatives, but they are experiencing a lot of financial issues.

Also, if we take a loan I think we won't be able to pay back, so I don't think its an option.

I really hope that everyone can help me pay my dad's treatment!

Details on needed funds

Only $122 are left in our savings so I would need $1,178 to be able to pay the treatment.


First thing I will do if I get enough funds is to take my dad back to the hospital.

He's suffering a lot so I hope I can do it as soon as possible. In case I can't collect enough funds I will have to seek help elsewhere.

I sincerely hope for everyone to support my dad!

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