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Cassy's journey against Turner's syndrome


目標 US$1,500

剩餘天數 0 天




已經分享的人 27


the flag image of country Joy Belle Pelwigan

"I love my niece with Turner Syndrome"Sharing to you a story about a little girl with a big dream, this is entitled "Cassy's Butterfly Story".Cassandra Allaine Sulang Sab-it or Cassy as we dearly call her is a sweet little sister to her 6 years old brother. She is 11 years old and a fifth  grade pupil of Tadian Central School. At eleven, she barely stand as tall as her brother with a height of 116 centimeter denoting severe shortness. Just like any other kids, she is adorable, playful and dreams of becoming a doctor.This butterfly story started when Cassy was still a baby. At an early age, Cassy's physical defects started to show. Because of late physical development, she went through a series of physical therapy as advised by her doctor. As she gained more years, she had cross-eyed vision which eventually progressed to poor eyesight. And in the course of her frequent medical check-ups, it was found out that she has kidney abnormality, called a horseshoe kidney. At the age of 4, she braved a major operation to have her kidney gain normal functions. Indeed, she is one tough little kid. As years passed by, other conditions started to show on her. Her skin gets dark, dry and scaly and would often suffer from various ear infections. She cannot withstand hot weather conditions and would complain of painful lower and upper extremities that's why she cannot walk for  long distances. There is also swelling on her feet and hands. With her condition, she would prefer staying at home  and she's already shy to mingle with other kids.For lack of medical knowledge, none of us would have thought that she was already manifesting symptoms of a rare disorder. Mid 2019, when doing a series of medical examinations, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, our family was distraught when her physician broke the news. Cassy is one of the rare cases of girls who suffer from Turner syndrome.Turner Syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects females. Affected individuals can potentially develop a wide variety of symptoms affecting different organs of the body. The most common symptoms include short stature and premature ovarian failure which makes women infertile. Cassy, as seen on her ultrasound result has no uterus which could be absent or infantile in size.There is no cure for TS but treatment may help resolve the issues on short stature, learning disabilities and other abnormalities. With her showing most of these symptoms, our family is resolved to give her the most support that we could give in order for her to live a normal life. As we are letting her undergo medical treatments to address the associated complications which are treated differently, she will also be starting with a growth hormone replacement therapy. This therapy is not supported by social health insurance program of the government and other medical assistance from the government are very limited. As we deal and accept her condition, we realize that having this kind of medical condition impacts the family psychologically and financially.It is in this respect that we are sincerely seeking your prayers for her and your help to share a little and make a big difference to the life of this little warrior. The medical interventions can be economically catastrophic to the family but with your generosity, a little and little when collected together will carry us though.For those who would want to extend their support, you may contact this number 09395622764/09094434549 (Cassy's mother). Please feel free also to send us private message in messenger and we will gladly coordinate.Your generosity and compassion is most appreciated. Thank you very much and may God richly bless your heart, your home and your family.❤️Tita Maricar?






受到資助的次數 10


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