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Developing Romantic dinner APP to go out to dinner and meet people.

Quantia arrecadada

US$ 14
Meta US$ 1.500

Dias restantes 0 dias

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The money we gather will be use for the development of a world-class APP called Romantic dinner to go out to dinner under agreement

Romantic Dinner APP is a new Application that allow you to meet user from all over the world to eat and talk. Where the user should not worry about any kind of planning just choose your city, your budget, your location and choose between different profiles by qualities or physical attributes that available and several series of restaurants by gastronomic classification and ready to schedule and have your dinner by agreement.

The real utility of the APP

There is a difficulty that involves wanting to go out to dinner when you want but not having people to go out with, marked by the rush and lack of time, to find the time, the place and an a good place. With the idea of combating this situation has created the idea of an App called Romantic dinner with which you solve these problems and have the real possibility of meeting people. And what better idea: since you're going to have to dine anyway, what do you think about taking advantage of the time spent on eating to socialize and have a moment of quality and possible romance?

The app It will work together with the restaurant network and with profiles of different genres that are willing to share their dinner in exchange for an economic benefit under an agreement established in the profile of each user. The benefit comes twice: users by their agreements they leave a percentage of administration for the App and the restaurants by agreement also due to the expocision of increase of traffic and increase of their sales.>

In essence, Romantic dinner allows you to go, spontaneously and at any time of the week, to a dinner with profiles in your own city or other countries. The operation is simple: after downloading the application, every day you can receive alerts with information of the profiles available for the week with agenda and value of the economic agreement and then choose the restaurant of your choice and ready., In this way inteactuar with a user nice both for its qualities or as its beauty will be a click away.

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O que é Airfunding?

Esta é uma plataforma de crowdfunding usado por quase 200 países. Qualquer pessoa pode facilmente criar um projeto!

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