airtripp crowdfunding project main image


Art therapy project

Cantidad recaudada

11 US$
Objetivo 250 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Gente que ha compartido 1


the flag image of country Daria Zinoveva

Hello everyone! I'm an art therapist. I've come down to this purpose through my own experience to deal with a lot of psychological issues of mine. Now I already help people to overcome their problems. And I know that helping people to be happier affect the whole system around them and make this world better. I would be happy to get some funding because I still don't have a certificate and really would like to improve my knowledge and also the rent for the working place,for now I work at home which isn't professional at all. Sending all of you love and happiness! 

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

Colabora compartiendo


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¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Número de donaciones 3

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