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My startup "Leather Workshop" production of leather items

Montant collecté

55 $US
Objectif 1 500 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

Ce projet est terminé.

Qu'est-ce que Airfunding?

Ceci est une plate-forme de crowdfunding utilisé par près de 200 pays. Tout le monde peut facilement créer un projet!

Personnes qui ont partagé 4


the flag image of country Irina Kutateli

Hi, my name is Irina, I'm 20. I live in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. I am a student at the Agrarian University of Georia. My startup "Leather Workshop" has won a grant. However, according to the grant conditions, I am supposed to contribute 60% of the costs, which makes 3000$.

I would like to tell you a few words about my startup: this is a small business - production of leather items. Why leather? Because I have always loved making things myself and have always wanted to be independent and this business makes it possible.  My father works with leather, so he helps me and teaches me.

We all know, how important it is to support young and tallented people. I belive and hope for your support.

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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Qu'est-ce que Airfunding?

Ceci est une plate-forme de crowdfunding utilisé par près de 200 pays. Tout le monde peut facilement créer un projet!

Délai imparti 5

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