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My 10 yr old dog needs surgery.

Montant collecté

45 $US
Objectif 500 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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the flag image of country Marissa Alves

My name is Marissa and I adopted my dog Cody 9 years ago. He will be 10 this coming March. 

Four days ago I almost lost my Cody. He could not pee and poop for 3 days. I brought him to the Vet and they suggested surgery ASAP because he has blockage of the urethra due to stones which is why Cody could not pee. I could not afford the surgery so I went home with Cody with a heavy heart because I could not do anything. The morning after,  Cody's situation had gotten worse and he was crying in pain. I then decided to take him back to the Vet and just get him to have the surgery even without money just to save his life. When we got to the Vet Cody was having high fever and was in so much pain and was extremely weak. The Vet said that with his condition he might not make it through surgery. He was so weak that they put IV on him and the doctor even suggested to put Cody to sleep so he does not suffer further. I told the vet putting Cody to sleep was not an option. I could not and will not make that decision. The doctors asked me if I would agree for them to try catetherization on him to release urine at least but no guarantee Cody will survive and I agreed. After the procedure Cody's gums were so gray and honestly I thought it was his last day with me. I took him home with the IV and force fed him with water round the clock like every 2 hours. The following day Cody was peeing and much better. I force fed him and now he is stronger. The doctors were suprised he survived! But they still want Cody to get the surgery done when he is much stronger.  

It is a miracle Cody is still in my life and I am so glad I did not give up on him. We are fighting together and that is why I thought of asking for help for his surgery. I did not give up when the doctors suggested to put Cody to sleep. Cody and I are not giving up on his surgery procedure. We have faith that we can get some help. 

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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