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We want to potentialize positive mental health in young people

Montant collecté

28 $US
Objectif 500 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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According to the IDB, 600 million people suffer from Depression and Anxiety. The World Health Organization states that depressive and anxiety disorders cost the economy 1 trillion productivity losses each year. In June of 2018, 1,300 male young people with ages between 17 and 26 years old, had committed suicide in Colombia.

Mental health, sometimes silently, and sometimes very radically, is entering people's lives. This is leading the individual to end up without any tool to be able to face psychic discomfort. Governments of developing countries doesn't provide enough resources to confront this serious problem.

In our foundation, Artesanando Vidas, we want to contribute, by training young people to develope skills for life and their entrepreneurial spirit, so they have another opportunity to take care of their emotional health. They can discover ways different ways to take care of themselves in our special training programs:

a) Project's factory

b) Interact with your Art

c) CreArte

d) Evalu-art

Also, they can design their life project, improve their ways of affective bonds, teach them to exercise their entrepreneurial spirit, and internalize their self potential to let them improve as an individual. And, of course, to find a meaning in life that allows them to transcend.

You can be part of this with your contribution, with your healing spirit, to be able to help many young people in situations of vulnerability, and create tools to allow prevention and intervention, and help them improve their personal well-being, psychological status.

The funds we want to raise, would be used to train more young people on artistic disciplines, to teach them how to start their own business, etc. For that, we need to hire qualified personnel for the training, the purchase of supplies, transport, and administrative personnel. The secret of a good life is given by the generous capacity that we, as individuals, can develop. And as Lewis Carroll said:

"One of the deep secrets of life is that the only thing worth doing is what we do for others."

I would really appreciate if you could also collaborate by sharing the project!

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Qu'est-ce que Airfunding?

Ceci est une plate-forme de crowdfunding utilisé par près de 200 pays. Tout le monde peut facilement créer un projet!

Délai imparti 3

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