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Help to pay a treatment for my mum!

Quantia arrecadada

US$ 300
Meta US$ 1.700

Dias restantes 0 dias

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Hello. My name is Yurraj Kumar and I live in Delhi, India.

My mum has breast cancer and we don't have enough money for her treatment and surgery. That's why I'm asking for your help!

When my mother became sick

One year before my mother knew that she has cancer.

She has received already treatments like chemotherapy, but is really expensive and we we've lost most of our savings.

To help her get better she needs to keep receiving the treatment and also a surgery.

A difficult life

Currently, I'm studying.

My father left us when I was a child and my mother had to take care of me and my brother. My brother has already his own family and my mother has been working in our farm until her health didn't allow it.

She doesn't feel strong enough to keep working, so our production has being reduced.

I only wish now is to be able to give back to my mum all what she did for me until now.

Receiving help from others

I don't really have time to work due to my studies (I'm trying to find a nice future to help my family). My brother has his own family and even he is trying to help my mum as much as he can, but it is not enough.

I'm also asking to my friends to help us, and my uncle is also giving us money.

We are even thinking about selling a part of our little farm to be able to save my mum.

Details on needed funds

To pay the surgery and the treatment we would need $2,500. Given the money that family and friends have borrowed to us, the total amount of funds we need is $1,700.


I hope to receive enough funds to take my mum to the hospital and keep with the treatment.

Including the surgery she will have to be in the hospital a few weeks, and after that she will have to come back frequently to complete her treatment.

All what I want in this world is to be able to save my mum. Thank you from my heart for your help!

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O que é Airfunding?

Esta é uma plataforma de crowdfunding usado por quase 200 países. Qualquer pessoa pode facilmente criar um projeto!

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