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Bwindi Children Suffering In Silence

Montant collecté

300 $US
Objectif 1 500 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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the flag image of country Alex Ngabirano

Bwindi  Children Suffering In Silence The Bwindi local children are the most needy ones being born in a poverty cycle yet  living in a rich biodiversity of  Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda a home to 43% of the remaining 1,063 endangered mountain gorillas in the world. Through the Bwindi Development Network 's community  conservation school program, Bwindi local children are directly engaged in gorilla and other wildlife conservation, aiming at empowering the next generation of environmental leaders and secure a brighter future for the wildlife.This project will identify needy children from 11 villages bordering the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park from the  poorest families who even facing challenges of crop raiding by wildlife aiming at promoting education and reducing Human Wildlife Conflicts in the area. We are appealing for funding  our school project (send a child to school). Sponsoring a child or buying scholastic materials uplift the life Bwindi Community  and empowers the next generation of environmental leaders and secure a brighter future for the gorillas and other wildlife in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

To have better excellent children in academic and better wildlife  conservation, there's urgency for support to start providing scholastic materials and paying school fees for the most needy children who born in the poverty cycle at the same time those families being affected by wildlife .

 With the urgency of this project, we request you act now, 5 USD makes a big difference Our team at Bwindi Development Network,  will effectively implement this project successfully as we are passionate about education, community well being and wildlife conservation

Become someone very special in the life of a child and you just might find it changes you too. By educating Bwindi child, saves the mountain gorillas and their habitat

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