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I want to help my coach to pay a treatment for her daughter!

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Target US$1.650

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Hi everyone!

My name is Julie Ann and I live in Manila City, Philippines!

I would like to raise funds to help my coach to pay a treatment for her baby daughter, who is suffering a cleft lip

A difficult daily life

With this project, I want to support my dragon boat (my rowing team) coach.

He has a 8 months old baby named Isabel. Isabel has what is called a cleft lip, a gap or split in the upper lip and/or roof of the mouth (palate). It is present from birth.

In order to improve Isabel's life, she needs a surgery. Due to its expensive cost, my coach can't pay it.

An important surgery

Due to her condition, just eating or even breathing its difficult for Isabel.

Isabel's case is special, as she has 2 gaps on her lip. The only way to improve her condition, is through surgery.

This surgery is not covered by national insurance, so they have to pay the total cost.

We're trying to gather a few donations, and we managed to collect $300, but that's not enough.

My coach can't save enough money

His salary is not enough to pay all the daily expenses plus medical expenses.

His wife is a housewife, so with my coach's only salary it's not enough to cover medical care, school fees, daily life expenses...

It's just too much, so there is no way for him to save money at the end of the month.

Details on needed funds

With this project, I would like to raise $1,650 in order to pay the surgery cost!


Any amount I manage to collect here will be given to my coach.

The surgeon says that it would be better to proceed with the surgery this year, so we would like to raise enough funds as soon as possible. In case we can't collect enough funds we will try to ask for more help to charity organizations.

Please, support me to get enough funds to pay my coach's surgery cost! Thank you very much for your collaboration!

Bantu dengan berbagi


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Apa Airfunding?

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