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I want to study Nursery in Japan!

एकत्रित राशि

लक्ष्य $1,500

बचे कूचे दिन 0 दिन

यह परियोजना समाप्त हो गई है।

Airfunding क्या है?

यह एक जन-सहयोग लगभग 200 देशों द्वारा इस्तेमाल किया मंच है। किसी को भी आसानी से एक प्रोजेक्ट बना सकते हैं!

जो लोग साझा 3


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Hi everyone!

My name is Mai Le Vy and I live in Phan Thiet, Vietnam!

This time, I would like to raise some funds to be able to make my dream come true: to be able to study in Japan!

I want my future career to be related to health

As many of you already know, I've to little brothers.

They are suffering different medical conditions since born and my family has been always very close to hospitals and medicine. This has influenced my future too, as I want to have a profession that allows me to help people who is suffering like my brothers did.

But to do this, I need to acquire high medical skills!

I want to study in Japan

If we compare it with Japan, medicine field is not so developed in my country.

I know that Japan has a vast culture of medicine and technology and I would be able to become a great professional if I'm able to study there. I still can't speak enough Japanese, so I would need to concentrate on that first.

Also, I've been told that many nurses are needed in Japan. I think this is the perfect moment to start working on my future and doing my best to make my dream come true.

However, to enter a Japanese University or Vocational School it's not easy. I need to master my Japanese first, and after that, to apply to join any school. It takes time and money, and we don't have the last one.

My family can't afford my studies

My family's living expenses are too much for my dad's low salary.

My mum is taking care of my little brothers. Most of our savings have been used to pay their treatment since born, so it has been really difficult to save further.

That's to many Airtripp friends, I got financial support to pay the surgery my brothers need, and I could not be more thankful. This time, I would like to ask for some help that could allow me to have my dream profession.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $3,300 to pay the flight ticket, lodging, school fee.... We will use $500 we will try to save by then.


If I success, I will be able to start my experience in Japan.

While studying Japanese I will try to save some more money. When ready, I will apply to study in a Nursing school.

In the future, I want to do my best to help people who is suffering due to their health condition.

If I can't receive enough funds, I guess I will have to study in my country, but this is my dream and I don't want to give up! I hope for everyone's support! Thank you very much!

साझा करके मदद


अब तक कोई पोस्ट नहीं

Airfunding क्या है?

यह एक जन-सहयोग लगभग 200 देशों द्वारा इस्तेमाल किया मंच है। किसी को भी आसानी से एक प्रोजेक्ट बना सकते हैं!

टाइम्स समर्थित 7

बस अपने स्मार्टफोन के साथ, आप आसानी से अपना मुक्त जन-सहयोग शुरू कर सकते हैं। आप Airfunding उपयोग का प्रयास करें और कलेक्ट धन करना चाहते हैं?

  • एक अनूठा जन-सहयोग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म जहां 200 से अधिक देशों से समर्थकों से धन इकट्ठा कर सकता है
  • मुक्त करने के लिए अपनी परियोजनाओं को शुरू
  • अपनी परियोजना के लिए स्वचालित रूप से दुनिया को देखने के लिए अनुवाद किया जाएगा

अपनी परियोजना बनाने से प्रवाह अपने धन प्राप्त जब तक बाहर पाया जा सकता है यहाँ

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