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My mother needs to smile again

Cantidad recaudada

11 US$
Objetivo 1100 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

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Gente que ha compartido 1


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It all started with a free consultation at a neighborhood school a few years ago.  My mother was diagnosed with a hereditary dental problem.  She discovered that she was losing her teeth and that this could be continuous.

 Unfortunately this was happening gradually until it reached its current state.  That year, about 3 months ago, my mother had to remove 11 teeth with urgency because her gums could not stand an inflammation that came to her.

 Carrying in a mouth where there were already missing some teeth was a trauma for her to lose more of these.

Help us for a prosthesis

 I as a daughter tried to ask some family members for help because I am unemployed, but I could not because they also can not afford to help.

 That's why I'm here asking for help, and through the money raised I'm going to take her to a dentist's office for a prosthesis.

 I need to give her back her self-esteem and make her smile again.  She does not even want to leave the house, and lives sad by the corners and can not even eat normally.  Please help me, I'm counting on you.

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Número de donaciones 3

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