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Improving learning quality of Lily Mijie.

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0 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

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the flag image of country Iris Lau

This Christmas, I met Lily Mijie as her family teacher. Lily lives with her parents in Shum Shui Po, which is the poorest place in Hong Kong. She's originated from The Philippines. As I observed, her home condition is suitable for homeschooling. Due to ADHD, I think homeschooling can provide her with a suitable learning method because the Hong Kong education system is not friendly for those who have ADHD. More importantly, I am afraid that her curiosity and creativity will be killed by boredom and wrong textbook contents. Therefore, as her mother Angela hired me, I hope that I can improve my teaching quality by upgrading my digital tools and teaching materials. In fact, she's not the only one non-Chinese-speaking students like this. 

However, as a member of Linguistic Society of America, I discovered an endangered language from a Papua New Guinea-Hong Kong family. Therefore, I insist to do so. I hope that I can raise some funds for us. 

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project! Thank you! 

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