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I want to help my sister to pay for her surgery!

Montant collecté

545 $US
Objectif 1 950 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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Hi everyone!

This is Regina from Bulacan, Philippines!

I recently have known that my sister needs to go under surgery but she can't afford it. I would like to raise some funds to be able to pay the cost of her surgery!

My sister is suffering from multiple subserosal fibroids

My sister is 36 years old.

I few days ago I found out that she has been suffering a lot of different symptoms like huge pain on her abdomen/belly since February 2019. She went to the doctor and was found 4 large subserosal fibroids in her uterus, also known as myoma.

She was told that surgery is needed to remove them, and it would be necessary to do it as soon as possible.

We can't afford the surgery cost

My sister is working as babysitter.

Her monthly income is not enough but even though she is trying to help our mum to afford all the medicines she needs for her diabetes.

I'm also trying to work as much as I can, as babysitter, trying to sell stuff on the streets, etc.

The problem is that I'm a single mother and I have to take care for my 3 children daily life and scholar expenses, which is really difficult with my small salary.

The doctor told us to prepare $2,000 for the complete treatment

People in our country is going through a lot of economic difficulties.

My friends are also struggling, so I really can't borrow money from them.

Without having a proper health insurance, we have to pay the total cost of the surgery, and I just have $50 to use.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $1,950 for my sister, to be able to pay the surgery and medical treatment she needs.


In case I manage to collect enough support, I will use all the funds for my sister's medical treatment.

The myomas can become bigger without a proper treatment and this is really dangerous for her body.

If we can't collect enough support I will try to keep searching a friend that could help us or even try to convince a bank to lend us some money. I really hope you can help me support my sister! Thank you very much in advance!

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Qu'est-ce que Airfunding?

Ceci est une plate-forme de crowdfunding utilisé par près de 200 pays. Tout le monde peut facilement créer un projet!

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