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Help me to buy a CNC machine!

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه

‏٠ US$
الغاية ‏٥٠٠ US$

الأيام المتبقية 0 أيام

لقد اكتمل هذا المشروع.

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

الأشخاص الذين قاموا بعمل مشاركة 1


the flag image of country Dhavalkumar Goti
this is an icon showing user is verified تم التحقق من تحديد الهوية

Nice to meet you!

My name is Dhaval and I'm from Surat, India.

I'm raising funds to be able to buy a CNC machine that will help me with my business!

My salary is not enough!

I am a mechanical engineer and currently, I'm working as CNC machine operator in a manufacturing company here in my country.

I would like to improve my situation, as my current salary is not enough for daily life. I'm thinking to start managing my own business because I have my own designs to develop. I cannot develope my creativity if I continue working as an operator.

In order to start my own business I need to get a CNC machine. My salary doesn't allow me to save enough and that's why I'm asking you for some help!

Working together with a college friend

I come from a family of farmers.

The income depends on the result of harvest season, but normally, they just get enough to pay daily needs and eat, but nothing else. If I manage to create my own business I will be able to give my family a better daily life.

If I'm able to start my business soon, a college friendwill work together with me, as he also knows a lot about CNC machining.

My savings are $500, but I would need to double that amount to be able to start!

I want to have a creative job!

I learn a lot and got a lot of knowledge as a CNC machine operator, but the work is monotone and I cannot develop my creativity, besides the salary is also low.

I do everyday the same thing without having a chance to develope my own designs.

If i able to make my own business, I can develop my own creativity and eventhough it is just a small step, I believe it will growing bigger in the next future!

Details on needed funds

I already saved $500, so in order to purchase a CNC machine, I would need to raise $500!


If I can raise enough funds first thing I'll do is to buy the CNC machine I need.

The, I will start to work on my business in August, if possible. I will quit from my current job and focus on developing my own prototypes.

In case I can't collect enough funds I will save the collected funds and keep working at my current company to save enough money until I gather enough to purchase the machine.

I would be really grateful for your help!

المساعدة عن طريق المشاركة


عدد المنشورات

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

عدد مرات الدعم 0

فقط مع الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك، يمكنك أن تبدأ بسهولة تمويل الجماعي فراغك الآن. هل ترغب في محاولة وصناديق جمع باستخدام Airfunding؟

  • منصة تمويل الجماعي فريدة من نوعها حيث يمكن جمع الأموال من المؤيدين من أكثر من 200 دولة
  • بدء المشاريع الخاصة بك مجانا
  • سيتم ترجمة المشروع الخاص بك تلقائيا للعالم أن يرى

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