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Fundraising for my brother's hospital bill

Gesammelter Betrag

520 $
Ziel 1.500 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

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Personen, die geteilt haben 18


the flag image of country Mj Tarala

Hi everyone. I am Mary Jean Tarala, 26 years old, the elder sister of Janxent Tarala, 24 years old,  from the province of Catanduanes, Philippines. I’m a nurse by profession and currently residing in Marilao, Bulacan, while my brother is staying in Catanduanes. We are already an orphan. This is my brother with me last December, 2019 when he had a vacation here in Bulacan. He was perfectly fine at that time.

Initial Encounter of His Illness

Last February 20, 2020, my brother Janxent was rushed by my uncle to Easter Bicol Medical Center (EBMC) in Catanduanes due to 1 week of on and off fever, body malaise and loss of appetite accompanied by headache. Several tests and procedure were done and the initial diagnosis were PTB and pneumonia. He stayed for a week there and even though without confirmatory test that it was PTB and my brother was not completely fine, he was discharged with just home medications. But early morning of February 28, 2020, he was then rushed again  to Zantua Memorial Hospital due to continuous vomiting and high fever. He had also episodes of restlessness and confusion. My uncle was advised that Janxent needs to be seen by a specialist and be transferred to hospital with complete facilities and equipments. My brother was then transferred to Catanduanes Doctors Hospital, Inc. (CDHI) by February 29. Cranial ct scan was done and it revealed that my brother has meningitis. He has some beginning complications of mild communicating hydrocephalus. He was referred to neurologist but due to unavailability of the doctor in CDHI, I, together with my uncles decided to transfer my brother in Meycauayan Doctors Hospital in Bulacan where I am currently working.

Sad truth of His Illness

On March 11, 2020, even if we don't have enough fund for this hospital, we pushed through the admission here because I wanted my brother to be seen immediately by a neurologist and at the same time I could supervise and still take care my brother while still working since I badly needed money to finance his medical expenses. Upon admission, MRI scans, laboratories and procedures where done revealing that he has TB meningitis.

Antibiotics, anti TB medications and other needed treatment were given. At day 4 of hospital stay, my brother started to show signs of confusion and disorientation, still accompanied with high fever, headache, and episodes of vomiting. Repeat scan was done and it showed progression of hydrocephalus indicating a need for surgery. He was referred to neurosurgery for Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. But unfortunately because of high febrile episodes, the schedule of operation was delayed. Ten (10) days later, urgent surgery (VP shunt) was needed to be pushed through because my brother's consciousness was deteriorating. He became less responsive.

Battle of Life

The surgery was successful, the hydrocephalus was addressed.  But few days after surgery, he started to show complications of his illness. He had seizure episodes and difficulty of breathing. The doctors have to be frank with me that my brother's prognosis was very poor. Repeated scan and xrays showed several strokes/infarcts and acquired pneumonia which lead him to be intubated and the need of respiratory assistance thru ventilator. Tracheostomy was done for pulmonary toilet and hygiene since he cannot expelled out secretions on his own already.

With these circumstances and procedures, our hospital bill continues to increase. We're already advised for discharge but because of unsettled bill, we can't be cleared out of the hospital.

But amidst these circumstances, I'm very thankful with our Lord God for His continuous guidance to my brother's fight against this illness and recovery. 

Please help us to cover the hospital bill

We are sincerely asking for prayers and kind help for my brother's medical finances. We really appreciate and sincerely accepts all prayers and financial help for his recovery. With the help of our Lord God, I believe we can all defeat this illness. 

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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