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Please help us . This is for our dearest mother .

Quantia arrecadada

US$ 693
Meta US$ 1.500

Dias restantes 0 dias

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O que é Airfunding?

Esta é uma plataforma de crowdfunding usado por quase 200 países. Qualquer pessoa pode facilmente criar um projeto!

Pessoas que compartilharam 31


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My mother,Cristina Lucero, 61 years of age, was diagnosed of endometrial cancer stage 4B. She underwent an operation last December to remove the cancer but still needs to go chemotheraphy.Before we start her first chemo session, she had a seizure so she was confined for 4 weeks. She had to go through 3 dialysis sessions  and medications and had her 1st chemo. 

Her next chemo was delayed due to the nationwide lockdown. 

Until she had seizures again last May 14,2020 and needs to go through an emergency dialysis again. 

Her medications costs a lot and we can no longer provide for further medications (chemo and radiotheraphy) so we are looking for ways to raise funds for her current and future medications and procedures.

Any amount and help will be very much appreciated from us. 

Sharing this would be an big help also.

Thank you.

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O que é Airfunding?

Esta é uma plataforma de crowdfunding usado por quase 200 países. Qualquer pessoa pode facilmente criar um projeto!

Vezes apoiado 26

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