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Need transport to World Masters Weightlifting Championship in Canada

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0 $US
Objectif 1 000 $US

Jours restants 0 jours

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Hello, I am Rachel Sinamo, 45 years old. I live in Batam, Indonesia.

I'm here, because I need help for my sister.

My sister is Sahari Dumaini Sinamo. She started her weightlifting journey 18 months ago.

Within this short period of time she have won gold medals in several national competitions and a silver medal in the International World Masters weightlifting Championships in Barcelona 2018.

Her main goal this year is to achieve a gold medal and break the current world record within her weight and age category.

I’m proud to say she is 48 years old and weigh 45 kg and she can Snatch 46 kg and Clean and Jerk 56 kg.

My sister lives in South Africa.

So far, her husband was her main supporter. She hadn't received any support from our country.

My sister catch is that her citizenship straddles two countries, South Africa and Indonesia which has made her funding difficult.

I believe we have the mental and physical fortitude to have accomplished so much in such short space of time, with limited resources.

She need $1000 to be able to travel from South Africa to Canada and compete in the World Masters Weightlifting Championship.

By contributing you will take part in my journey of becoming a world record breaking medalist! Support the underdog. Do this for all women that are not seen and heard but have the strength to show up and achieve! Women’s month August 2019!

And now 

Please share this far and wide to help Sahari Sinamo to go to the World Championships in Canada!! Every little contribution helps!

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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