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let this abandoned premature baby undergo lung surgery

Cantidad recaudada

3 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Gente que ha compartido 1


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I found this abandoned  premature  baby near a public park which is next to my house.

She was abandoned by her parents and now my elder brother is her guardian. The baby is approximately 18 to 20 days old . Suddenly i took her into  nearest hospital and went on with several medical checks and concluded that the baby is suffering from severe respiratory distress syndrome . Now the baby needs urgent lung surgery

The total cost of surgery is 3500$ and few amount has been raised  from my close friends .

Here i appeal all humanitarians to contribute as much as possible to give life to this baby.

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share .

Colabora compartiendo


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¿Qué es Airfunding?

Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

Número de donaciones 1

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